Lazy Parenting

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Mom Anger & Losing Control

If you are a mom then you have been there.

Right to the edge.

Heck, OVER the edge.

Complete loss of control and momentary insanity that was likely unleashed due to a being that you grew in your womb and GAVE LIFE to. Who knew when you first held your precious babe that one day you would be screaming at them with such fury, such blood boiling anger you had no idea you were capable of.

No one talks about the anger. The complete lack of control that sometimes takes over. Maybe it’s our hormones raging, our sleep deprived body and mind being tested with one too many “no’s” or “looks” or acts of defiance or emotional outbursts...but the result is...well...out of control.

Hopefully we have the sense and strength to walk away, to regain our composure, to model how removing oneself is the better choice. But sometimes words are spoken and can’t be taken back. It is what happens after that is so important. A sincere apology for the loss of control. An honest discussion about what happened with no blame. A chance to reflect on how we can catch ourselves earlier, de-escalate the situation earlier, remove ourselves earlier, look for cues in each other earlier.

The lessons & habits that we as adults should always be exploring and learning about to become more successful, more positive, more in control of our lives and emotions are lessons we must also teach our children. Failures in parenting are going to happen. Just like our children learn through failure so do we.

My goal is to learn from each parenting fail.

I’ve learnt a lot over the past 17 years 😳