Lazy and Entitled Kids - 10 Parenting Tips You Need to Revisit TODAY (Part 2) | #12
This problem of lazy and entitled kids seems to be a common issue amongst parents. Just take a look at any social media parenting group and I can guarantee that you will find MULTIPLE parents complaining about how their kids are lazy, ungrateful, entitled and just a nightmare!
So, if this is a problem in your family — be sure to go and listen to episode #11 first. In that episode, I discuss the first 5 parenting strategies that you need to revisit and in TODAY’S episode, I share 5 more strategies to help you get your child to become more caring, more involved and more grateful! From exercise to chores, to forced family time and reading & music let me help you get your kids back on track and your household back to being a loving and respectful place.
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