Turn your child’s behavior around before 2021 | #26
7 months ago we thought that the craziness of a worldwide pandemic would be over in a few weeks, maybe a few months. The reality is that the world has changed in ways we never thought possible and our families and kids have been through a heck of a time. How are your kids doing? Are they more anxious, moodier, harder to handle? Is there more yelling, arguing, and stress in your household?
Well, we have 2 months before 2021 and a new year is upon us. NOW is the time to refocus and recommit to the parenting strategies that will help you turn your household around and get your children back on track. We all want a yell-free house right? We all want to go to bed happy and content that we did our very best for our children that day.
In today’s episode, I share 10 steps you can take TODAY that will help get your family and relationship with your kids back on track so that 2021 is better than today. I promise, that if you follow the steps outlined that you will see a dramatic improvement in your child’s behavior.
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