Lazy Parenting

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Perspective is a choice.


As hard as it is to see in the moment, try your very best to catch yourself and make yourself reframe your thoughts.

That endless energy, the constant questions, the embarrassing dance moves, the bolting, the touching of everything, the ups followed by hard crashing downs...

Her energy will allow her to do so much and pursue all her dreams.

His constant questions are his inquisitive mind wanting to know how it all works.

Her dance moves in public show her free-spirit and no-care attitude about what others think. No one else’s opinions will ever hold her back..

The bolting shows a fearlessness that will make him unstoppable in chasing his dreams.

Her touching of everything shows an inquisitive mind and enhanced tactile need that may be her way of feeling and learning.

His ups and downs show how sensitive he is and how his emotions are driving him. Emotional intelligence is the key to the future!

Of course it’s hard. Of course in the moment they can drive you insane. But I implore you to see their “hard” qualities as the qualities that will take them far. Qualities that will help them not only survive in the world but THRIVE. Don’t knock it out of them. Help them learn to embrace their special qualities and harness the positive in them to make a difference in the world. Change your language. Change how you frame it. Help them to harness their uniqueness so that they can make it their SUPERPOWER.