Stop Calling Your Child Names! |#9

When you look at your child what is the first thing you see?

What is the first word that comes to your mind?

Do words such as ‘messy’, ‘crazy’, ‘stubborn’, ‘talkative’ come to mind?

Our children’s personality and character traits are often formed, believe it or not, from the words we use and assign to them from a young age. The self-fulfilling prophecy is a REAL THING and I talk in today’s episode about why we have to be so mindful of the tags and labels we assign to our children.

Self-fulfilling prophecy (SFP) is what happens when we use predictions at the start of something that affects our behavior in such a way that we make that prediction happen.

My many years of teaching, coaching and parenting have shown me the power of SFP in action over and over again! I have seen the results of both children and parents who have certain beliefs put upon them and then live either up or down to those opinions. 

As a mom of little ones, words such as ‘messy’, ‘crazy’, ‘stubborn’, ‘talkative’ were a few that come to my mind. The idea of self-fulfilling prophecy was presented as a way for us as parents to be mindful of the tags we assign to our children.

Self-fulfilling prophecy (SFP) is what happens when we use predictions at the start of something that affects our behavior in such a way that we make that prediction happen.

My many years of teaching, coaching, and parenting have shown me the power of SFP in action over and over again! I have seen the results of both children and parents who have certain beliefs put upon them and then live either up or down to those opinions. 

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Is Your Teen Addicted to Their Phone? | #8

Recently I had a meeting with a mom who was struggling with her 13year old. She let me know that she was struggling a lot with her daughter, that her daughter had changed...that there was lots of swearing & anger coming out of her formally sweet child and constant exasperation coming out of her mouth in the form of sentences such as “you are so f’ing unfair and annoying Mom”. She was at a loss and didn’t know what to do. Her daughter had turned into someone she couldn’t recognize...someone whom quite frankly she didn’t like very much!

Do you have a tween or teen like this mom -- one that seems to have changed “all of a sudden”?  Who has morphed into someone unrecognizable? Moodier? Short with you? Giving lots of eye rolls? Calling you names and who spends hours locked away in their room? If so then you're not alone. Many many parents struggle with parenting tweens and teens. Today we are going to talk about the challenges and stresses that tweens & teens are facing today and how I believe their 24hr access to their phone is exasperating these. I want you to listen in and see if any of the stories and anecdotes I share resonate with you...If there are...please stay tuned until the end where I share 5 things you can start doing today to get their phone use under control so that your relationship with them can go back to a no-yelling, happy and calm place (well, for most of the time).

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7. Your Child Being Good at Sports, Doesn't Make You a Good Parent

TEAM SPORTS is something we are passionate about in this family. As teachers and coaches, my husband and I saw first hand the difference it made in our students’ lives long before we became parents. As athletes ourselves growing up, we knew the difference it made in our own lives. Sports have a HUGE impact on helping kids develop strength of character, work ethic, team-building skills, resiliency, patience and so much more. 

But, your child’s success in sports does NOT mean you are a good parent. In fact, too many of you are becoming nightmare parents and actually harming your child’s success in sport and causing them to quit. Follow these 10 rules to ensure you don’t!


But as teachers who volunteered many days/evenings and weekends and as parent coaches who do the same, we are saddened and frustrated by  those parents who feel it is their duty and right to get involved in their kids’ sports in a way that isn’t healthy, helpful or supportive to their child. So I have come up with 10 rules that I believe all parents of athletes must follow to ensure their child’s experience in sport is a fun, healthy and long lasting one!

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4. 3 Meetings you need to have with your kids to ensure 2020 is your family's best yet!

January 1st is coming up quick and the end of a decade is here and that means the beginning of a NEW DECADE is right around the corner. New year’s Eve is often a hyped-up day that many people scorn at as a holiday that they believe only sees people making resolutions and promises to themselves that they aren’t going to keep. And, the statistics would agree with you there! The fact is that most resolutions don’t stick. I looked it up and 80% of them don’t make it past mid-February. BUT-- being an my mind, let’s say you take the time to come up with a handful of things you would like to commit to for 2020...even if a couple, heck, even if JUST ONE resolution sticks..then you are better off than you were had you not made any. Right?!?!

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3. Make your kids WANT to hang out with you! Forced Family Time the Lazy Parenting way.

Are your kids spending hours in their rooms? 

Are you struggling with finding ways to connect with them? 

Forced Family Time is a Lazy Parenting strategy that helps parents and kids connect & share moments that will ensure you build a strong relationship that lasts.

If you have little ones, this episode will give you 3 things you can implement in your family to ensure that as they get older, they will continue to want to spend time with you.

If you have tweens or teens, these 3 tips can help you find ways to reconnect with your kids and help you share more moments together.

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2. Parenting without yelling, is it even a thing?

Probably not 100% a thing - but if that's the goal then maybe, just maybe, I can get you to 73% non-yelling...that's a helluva lot better than where it might be right now. Right?!  Learn some tried and true tactics to implement TODAY into your parenting and see the results IMMEDIATELY.  From pre-framing to knowing the difference between consequences & punishments to learning how to NOT react to your kids minor and major fails ---this episode is a must-listen for all parents.

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1. What is a lazy parent and WHY you NEED to be one.

Lazy parents are slackers, right? They're the ones who don't parent their children and let them run wild, right? They're the ones whose kids cause YOUR kids so much trouble, right?


Lazy parenting is actually a purposeful & intentional way to parent that is grounded in the importance of building a strong relationship between the parent and the child. At its core, it is a methodology that centers on the idea that we must teach our children how to take care of themselves and be independent.

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